Numbers, numbers. It is all a game…or is it?

Is it all in the numbers?

Being an online business owner, numbers are king, or is it queen? All I have heard for years is numbers. I want numbers, numbers, numbers and more numbers. Well, the old cliché is “it’s all a numbers game,” and “the more people you are in front of”…wait! Hold on here. In front of? I am talking about an online, Internet business. Global. Social media. Those things. You know, the busy party of Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and more. Numbers!

Do you know it is easy to build numbers on these platforms?

You can buy numbers, buy ads, and go search out people and request/follow or whatever. Easy peasy, right? Well, it all depends on what you want from this. One more time, IT ALL DEPENDS ON WHAT YOU WANT FROM ALL OF THIS!

I am guilty…I just wanted to build a presence on Facebook, seven years ago and I did. I hit the 5k follower mark. Here is what I didn’t have, a plan. I just wanted numbers, and that is what I received.

But what about influence?

Do all these numbers really buy influence and…leadership? As a leader and business owner isn’t the bottom line about influence? Personally working with people, yes?

Let’s back up a moment. If you are an entrepreneur that is offering a free opt-in, then an upsell to a low price program, then a medium price group, then possibly individual coaching and other services and or products, then I guess numbers is the name of the game. In my opinion, this is a very saturated, busy environment to be in and seems to be the traditional way of building as well. Absolutely nothing wrong with this at all. This environment takes a lot of work to be seen and heard and to influence potential clients.

If you host events, yes it is important to have those numbers. However, here is the priceless question:

numbers pin

Drum roll, please….

What happens if you have 50 solid people in your circle that you influence every single time? Wow, they paid, they buy, and they recommend you to their circle of people. Nice way to grow and influence, isn’t it? Things can be very intimate.

Now I do understand the folks who want a wide and very large circle of influence, GO! Rock on! However, here is what I am saying, begin with a vision, purpose, and why! PLAN! Breathe! It will grow in divine and organic time. Yes, there is work to do, but connect and be consistent and they will come.

If you cannot wait for this process to evolve, then go the short route, just start sending invites and follows galore and you will be in thousands before you know it, with very little engagement and very little connection!

Me personally, it’s all about the relationships! I thirst for connections and collaborations, especially from women. We do not have enough of this, and quite frankly, it is time we take our talk and start to walk.

