Changing Gears

Nine years ago I fell asleep at a major intersection right by my home. It was a sunny August day – noon to be exact. I had it all, except I lacked passion. I felt dead inside. I had a very successful fitness business that was dying, my dogs were old, and I was falling apart. I knew I had to do something. I knew I had to change gears.


I woke up every morning wondering when I could go back to bed even though I am a morning person. I lacked so much, so I lived in lack. This is why I fell asleep at a major intersection that warm sunny day, not once, but twice. Thank God I didn’t hurt anyone.

I made phone calls for support. I knew what I had to do. I turned to gratitude and began being thankful for the drywall above my head. I was living lies, so I started cleaning them up. I completed high school, college and earned a coaching certification. I did all of this within two years.

change gears

Empty on the Inside

I had a successful corporate career, taking markets and turning them around increasing sales over 300%. I was traveling and living Florida (much warmer than Michigan). I had a wonderful fitness business (my first love), and I went gone on to develop two more online businesses worth over six figures. I founded Bold Radio Station, an internet radio station for business owners to get their voices heard as the expert they are. I have helped thousands of women achieve their dreams, but I was dying. Something was missing! I felt empty. On the outside, I looked like I had it all. I was Superwoman, confident and strong, but inside, I was falling apart.

Today I have sold Bold Radio; it was time to pass the baton on to a new face, breath, and voice! I have pulled way back because I am feeling those sleepy, tired feelings again. I am at a crossroad. I am turning into to God and re-branding myself all based upon spiritual business success. I desire to be better so I can serve my clients more and serve myself more! I am blogging as a lifestyle spiritual supporter. I have lightened my schedule, in turn, it has reduced my stress and anxiety. It is like the song, “I can see clearly now…”

 I am a Student

I have streamlined my business, I only work with ten clients per year, and I have a new workshop/mastermind launching next year. I now have time to listen to the guidance I am given; I have room to grow in all ways required.

I have rid myself of the dollar amount syndrome; figures are not important to me now. In turn, I ask how I can serve and who can I serve? It is amazing how things are beginning to show up. I still have a long way to go; I will never master this. I will forever be a student of life.


