We Run. We Chase.

The Hamster Wheel Syndrome!

We run, we chase, we want, but we are still empty exhausted and burnt out at the end of the day!

Phew, I need a nap just typing this. The Hamster Wheel Syndrome! 

There is a perpetual motion here, like a hamster on a wheel. Round and round in circles we go, chasing ourselves. No wonder we are exhausted, drained, burnout. No wonder we have no time for time! Wow, what is this all about?

Every Monday morning, early on in my fitness business I would hear: I am going on a diet. My response would be “Why, and what are you doing for this diet?” Here is the majority response: “I eat too much bread so I am cutting bread out.” Okay, but is all bread to blame OR it is the whole basket you ate at dinner? What about the extra cocktail you had at dinner along with dessert? What did bread do to you?

Quite frankly, it isn’t bread, it is our behavior and how we view things. A diet is a quick fix and doesn’t last long, just saying. A lifestyle change, now we can talk…We are human and we will go to events where we will have a piece of cake, an extra cocktail and such. That’s fine; it is your choice after all. However, it is when you do this continuously that it will catch up to you. Every Monday it was “I need to lose weight,” and by Friday that was a distant memory.

We chase so much of everything that we want!

Numbers, weight loss, and people we idolize, and yet we’re still not where we want to be! When we focus on what we do not have, we receive more of that! Lack! We are not happy where we are at, accepting the moment where we are now fully 100% before wanting the next shiny thing. Our health for one, taking small steps to get to the big picture such as adding one glass of water to your daily fluid intake. When I hear someone is going to cut something out completely overnight, BAM, it sets you up for a fall, for failure!

I have recently switched to ‘leaning into’ more of a vegan plant based lifestyle. Now, I said leaning into. I am doing this as a choice that works for me and makes me feel better. However, these are small steps, I’m not going vegan overnight. I am replacing things slowly, learning what works and doesn’t work. (Notice I said replacing, not completely eliminating.)

How do you eliminate and change things up to better serve you, in order to serve others?

This isn’t about losing weight for a wedding (a quick fix and I have hardly ever seen to work). It is more of how can I do better to live a longer healthier life to serve my children, grandchildren, and others.

It isn’t about chasing the numbers (yes we all need good numbers for our business) but it is how your engagement is with others, the connections and relationships. The relationships that you are serving. Faith, spirituality, and serving others. The more we chase after numbers the more frustrating it can become like watching water boil in a pan! The more we chase after how out of shape we are, the more of just that we become!

Begin surrendering to where your ‘being’ is right now in this moment with gratitude, love, and acceptance. Do not look at how low the numbers are in your business and focus on how low they are, what are you going to keep doing to grow things? Don’t judge your body (I have big hips, but I will feel_____ when I have____). This is lack and it festers low confidence and the nasty “c” word… comparing! Again, waiting for the water to boil, watching, and checking, and so on!

Do you really want more of what you have? Silly question, I know.

This goes for chasing money! We chase, receive and we are still not happy! What the What???

This is all about being happy, joyous and grateful where we are right now, and all else will come! Take those baby steps to that larger vision, allow yourself to trip up, you are going to for we are human beings!!! Forgive, and move forward with Love, patience, gratitude and forgiveness. Stand into your true being, and so much more will come to you, things you will never have dreamed of.

